FAQ Page

How are shipping costs calculated?

Shipping costs are calculated based on shipping method (air, sea or land) and product weight / volume. Different shipping companies have different rates, so it’s best to check and compare which is most affordable and economical. For more details on how shipping costs are calculated, please contact us directly.

What is Buyer Protection?

Buyer Protection is a set of guarantees that enables buyers to shop with confidence on our website.

You are protected when:

  • The item you ordered did not arrive within the time promised by the seller.
  • The item you received was not as described.
  • The item you received that was assured to be genuine was fake.

What is the average shipping time?

Once shipped, the average delivery time is 7-15 business days, depending on where in the world you are located. 

Is there a processing time?

Yes. The processing time for orders is usually 1-3 business days. We may be running under minor delays due to the high volume of orders we are receiving, so if you do not receive your tracking information within 1-3 days, please do not worry.